
The evolution theory has a lot of impact in the world today. Almost everybody seems to think that ‘evolution’ is true and scientificly proven. But is that really the case? What actually is this prove of evolution? What kind of ‘facts’ does ‘science’ possess that justifies the statement that evolution is ‘proven’ and/or ‘true’?

Is it possible that ‘out of nothing’ something can be created? Is it possible that ‘out of rock (dead material)’ life could have been formed? Did we ‘originate’ from monkeys? And where did they originate from? What came first: the chicken or the egg and if it was the egg, was the egg fertilized? Is the universe really millions of years old??
Many interesting questions we intend to answer.

This website was created on the 12th of March 2017. The objective is give you the facts about evolution: scienfitic facts. Let’s see what ‘they’ (the evolutionists) really have!

This website is being formed by a observer of evolution. After years of study of online recourses and looking at many depates the urge ‘evolved’ to produce a website about this topic.

More will follow…